> You dont need to read the NSS or Economic Survey of India or the annual
UNDP Human development report, just read any newspaper regularly and you
find stories of food crisis across the world post neo-liberalism. It hs
become acute especially now..

Again, where is the causality? Food crises and famines are nothing new in
the world, has happened long before neo-liberalism, and will happen now and
in the future. The current food crisis in part owes to huge government
subsidies for biofuels, which needless to say, is against the spirit of a
free market. It is market manipulation by government, simple. The
agricultural crisis in a large measure is due to the government's dogged
refusal to allow market forces to play in the sector. Government
intervention, good intentioned, no doubt, often makes things worse:

> Since you seem to advocate the free market, I am only asking you to
educate me on how and where it has worked and by your own argument, the onus
is on you.

Look at any developed country - every one of them has adopted some form of
free market economy - may not be perfect, but economic freedom to a large
extent is a characteristic of them. Or look at countries that had everything
common, except the economic model - East and West Germany, North and South
Korea - and see what widely differing fates they had.

>By the way, there are different schools of socialism and I wanted to know
which school you were referring to as "standard"?

Lemme make it clear - by 'standard' I meant something common to all schools.
I guess economic redistribution is part of every school of socialism.

About Sainath - the main problem I find with him is that he tends to frame
issue is in an ideological usual suspects  vs usual victims terms, in spite
of any plausible links of causality. Here is a blogger's critique of

Best regards,

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 3:29 AM, Bobby Kunhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think Afthabs post and Sainaths interview I posted here sufficiently
> counters your arguments - they do resound arguments put forward by the
> Chicago school and unfortunately unlike  Friedman's presumptions the world
> is not flat - and I for one - do not want to be part of a process that
> exclude a vast majority of the population.

Liberty, if it means anything, is the right to tell people what they don't
want to hear.

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