Franck Nadaud schrieb:
> Dear gretl listers, greetings from Paris !
> I am currently doing some system estimation with a large cross section under
> win XP on GRETL 1.8.7 (GUI). My problem is the following:
> I have a big data base (N = 49.808 obs.) declared in cross section format.
> Actually, it is a pooling of (small) parts of five households budget and
> expanditures surveys for years 1979, 1984, 1989, 1995 and 2001.
> I coded a survey number variable (s = 1..5) for each year (79, 84, .. 01)
> declared it as a discrete variable.
> My objective is to estimate a demand system for each year from a script were I
> call the data for each s = 1..5 with commands like :
> smpl SURVNUM=1 --restrict --replace
> system name=AIDS
> equation WLOG_W ... variables
> equation WCAR_W ... variables
> end system
> restrict AIDS
> b[1,3]-b[2,2]=0
> end restrict
> estimate AIDS method=ols --iterate

I don't understand the combination of OLS and --iterate (but haven't
checked the manual I admit)

> however when i run this small segment, gretl crashes and i dont see why.

in any case, of course it shouldn't crash.  I guess because it crashes
you don't get to see any error message? Apart from that, I don't have
any idea, sorry.

> Another remark: in my program, after the system estimation, there is a lot of
> matrix / series computations but I am not sure if GRETL can handle matrices
> indexing under smpl commands. 

the matrices aren't affected by subsampling. However, the series of
course are.

good luck,

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