On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Robert Raszuk <ras...@cisco.com> wrote:
> John at all,
>>        Title           : BGP Monitoring Protocol
>>        Author(s)       : J. Scudder, et al.
>>        Filename        : draft-ietf-grow-bmp-05.txt
>>        Pages           : 16
>>        Date            : 2010-12-15
> If I remember correctly the fundamental reason for bmp was to provide a very
> simple mechanism for replaying content of received updates from the peers as
> well as provide some form of signaling reg their state transition. That goal
> was great.
> Unfortunately version -01 and above moved away from this and simplified the
> requirement to reply/send content of Adj_RIB_In instead of those coming
> updates from the peers.

It allowed an implementation to reconstruct updates, rather than replicate them.

> So we are effectively loosing the most crucial part of the original proposal
> as we no longer be able to pass to some observatory linux station those
> prefixes which were dropped on inbound or worse any potential malformed
> updates or attributes if they were not stored in the RIB_In.

I disagree. The most crucial part of the proposal is to get the
contents of Adj_RIB_In from the router to a monitoring station,
without the filter of best path selection that occurs when you use BGP
peering as a means to monitor what the router sees (and bgp-add-paths
doesn't accomplish this, either). The corner cases of malformed
updates and filtered updates simply aren't interesting for the
application that this protocol was designed to enable - centralized
analysis of the whole of an autonomous system's Adj_RIB_In.

> I think it defeats a lot of use cases. Perhaps this subtle difference should
> be discussed more before we proceed any further with this document.

This was discussed before, if I recall correctly. BMP is proposed to
do one job well, and that's to get the collected Adj_RIB_In out,
globally, to where it can be processed by real computers.

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