On 05/12/2015 14:23, Jeffrey Haas wrote:
> So... who is willing to sign your network up for this grand experiment at
> securing your BMP?

bcp61 exists because we are no longer living in a world where it's ok to
ship sensitive data around the internet in a format which is open to

The problem we have comes down to a choice between:

- stating that bmp and even more so, bgp, will lose reliability if tls or
ipsec are introduced into the transport stack, and that this potential
reliability loss trumps the security gain.

- agreeing that the security gain is more important and then having a
discussion about whether to have in-stack (tls) or out-of-stack (ipsec) crypto.

Otherwise, what you're saying seems to be: "be careful what you for because
you just might get it".


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