I agree with most of these sentiments, especially the part about making a 
statement in the BCP that prepending is not bad in and of itself, it just has 
to be applied with care and never more than actually needed to achieve the 
intended outcome.

That being said, selective more specific prefix announcements are the bane of 
my existence when attempting to keep traffic local in the less mainstream 
regions of the world. When a given network has some local transit/peer and some 
backhauled transit/peer to which it sends a different set of more specifics, 
resolving routing hairpins can become extremely time consuming since we have to 
convince the team running that network to adjust their routing policy - as 
opposed to unilaterally assigning a higher LocalPref to the announcement which 
may have a longer AS-path but doesn't take a scenic route through 

So please, let's not start recommending the use of selective more specific 
prefix announcements to operators - I'd rather have the longer AS-paths. ;)

Best regards,
Martijn Schmidt

From: GROW <grow-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com>
Sent: 26 July 2020 21:10
To: Michael McBride <michael.mcbr...@futurewei.com>
Cc: grow@ietf.org <grow@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [GROW] AS_Path prepend BCP

nice to see something starting in this space

no need to attribute nationality to bad practice examples

too much concentration on bad examples and not enough on why each of the
recommended practices is good

neglects to mention alternative TE such as longer prefix announcement


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