Hi Warren,

Unless I'm misunderstanding this completely, the community doesn't "make" a
> prefix an ANYCAST prefix, it simply **marks** (denotes) it as being used
> for anycast — this is subtle, but important to note, and seems to have
> caused some confusion in discussions. It an informational tag that people
> can use for debugging to to apply policy...

At least for me this was obvious from the beginning.

> But, getting back to your question — the smallest v4 prefix you can
> realistically announce[0] on the Internet is a /24, and so the smallest
> granularity you can mark at is the same.

And here comes I think need for authors to clarify something. They said
that such marking is going to be used along with NO-EXPORT.

To me this sounds like a hint that what is getting marked are actually more
specific prefixes (maybe more then /24) if you talk to your provider and he
says "It is OK" I will accept.


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