On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Mark D. Roth <r...@google.com> wrote:
> Do we know that there are cases where we'll need to support this?  I don't
> doubt that there are cases where only connections to external servers
> should go through the proxy, but I wonder how many cases there are where
> users will need to use both internal and external servers with gRPC.

So let me get this straight: we think there are users who can't use DNS for
external hostnames and need to use a proxy for external services. We know
this is most likely in corporate and server environments (for security).
But we wouldn't support those user's jumping further on the gRPC bandwagon
because it either wouldn't work or performance and overhead would be poor.

Or conversely: if you are using gRPC for your own communication, you cannot
use gRPC to communicate with "the cloud", except if you accept a
performance drop for the existing traffic and increased overhead.

If/when we do support this, do we have some idea how this would be
> configured?  Is there some standard way of configuring which server names
> are internal vs. which are external, or would it be custom code for each
> environment?

Probably custom code.

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