
On 25 July 2013 10:37, phil <p...@philandanna.no-ip.org> wrote:
> One other thing, I'm wondering why the migration guide and rationale are on
> goggle docs which tracks who is viewing what and which links they click on
> in the documents. It seems a bit incongruous as GNOME is currently fund
> raising for privacy enhancements and has it's own wiki.

pretty sure Jon used google docs because it was convenient for him; no
need to ascribe ulterior motives to him, gtk developers, or GNOME as a

the documentation is in the process of being moved inside the GTK+ API

as a side note: wikis are not great for collaborative editing, and
setting up the ACLs are pretty awful. we do have etherpad on
gnome.org, but I'd have to check the ACLs there as well.


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