On Oct 23, 2010, at 20:41, Andy Stewart wrote:

> I think this is have internal trick in GIO C code that will break if  
> we
> use wrapNewGObject in fileEnumeratorNextFile
> But makeNewGObject always works, so let's keep makeNewGObject.

If makeNewGObject works and wrapNewGObject does not, then  
makeNewGObject is the correct one. makeNewGObject is used to wrap a  
handle that is not new. As far as I understand this is the picture:

function                refs held       action          refs held
constructGObject        f               objectRefSink   H
makeGObject             C               objectRef       C,H
wrapGObject             C               none            H

The first "refs held" column indicates if C holds a floating reference  
(f) or a real reference (C). Then the "action" is performed on the  
object and afterwards the reference counts are held by Haskell "H", by  
the C object "C" or by both. wrapGObject does not do anything to the  
reference count, it simply takes the C reference count "C" and uses it  
from Haskell "H". All three functions will add an unrefGObject call as  
finalizers, so that the "H" reference is returned when the ForeignPtr  
is garbage-collected.

So if something crashes because you've changed a "makeGObject" to a  
"wrapGObject" then it must be that "makeGObject" was needed since the  
C object expects that it still holds a reference to the object.

I hope I got this right and that this clarifies things. Please tell me  
if this is inaccurate, I'd like to have the right intuition about this.


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