On 12/10/23 16:43, Felix Lechner wrote:
Hi MSavoritias,

On Sun, Dec 10 2023, MSavoritias wrote:

Do you think it would be ok to use a VPS? Or do we want a physical
server at somebody's home?
It's a community question. Everyone knows about IRC, and it works
well. I'm not sure there is a "we want" for XMPP, even though the
protocol is superior.

"We want" was in the context of what would be acceptable as hosting so that we can have the room under the same domain as guix.

The past few days has given me an indication that there is a good amount of people that want something else than IRC and email.

There is also a trust issue. For acceptance, we need bridging. For
bridging, we need policing. And for policing, we need people with

That's a good question yeah. Whether we want bridging that is. Personally I am leaning that we don't.

Because bridging can ruin the experience of people that use XMPP. But I can see it either way.

Regarding moderation its not a problem to find moderators for the room. Add like 5-10 of them so that we always have somebody online. I have been running XMPP for the past two years like this.

Libera.chat has great volunteers that have a long track record in
maintaining a service that people rely upon. A group of people would
have to step up for XMPP here.

I agree. Hopefully this thread will encourage some people that there is a chance we have an XMPP instance :D

And we (the people doing/wanting the xmpp instance) can get some permission to set it up under a guix domain.


Kind regards

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