Suzi Clarke wrote:

I quote "David Starkey explains why, sometimes, artistic licence is better for drama than authenticity." (Says who?)

I assume this explanation occurs in the film itself and not the article? I'd like to hear what he has to say.

The interest for us will no doubt be the costumes. Well, I'm getting my b*tch in first. Helen Mirren is posing with Jeremy Irons (great so far) in a gown that has seams which curve into the armhole.

Do you mean in the front? They had them in the back for sure. Wish we could see the photo.

And the underskirt is an embroidered dupion which is extraordinarily like 18th century flower embroidery. (I used it for my 18th century bride recently.) The braid is a braid I buy in a local shop, and would never have considered for Elizabeth - far too plain. There is a "collar of glass jewels and pheasant feathers in which Helen Mirren gives Queen Elizabeth's Armada speech". I will no doubt watch, as I adore Jeremy Irons, but I don't anticipate much joy from the costumes. I spend a lot of time working to get things looking as near accurate as I can for my customers, but really, sometimes I wonder why I bother.


Have you ever read Hunnisett's explanation of the costs asscoiated with making the Ditchley gown for the Elizabeth R series? Why does every production of anything having to do with history have to be "perfectly accurate" down to the seams? Should the have to go "all the way" and have reproduction everything? Consider the targeted audience. Most people wouldn't notice any of the detail you speak of. Do your clients? That anyone is producing history films at all is a boon in my mind. If absolute costume accuracy were the criteria, all we would ever see is contemporary would be all that was affordable.
Just my two cents....


I am sure this is not the article you speak of, but it does have some pictures.
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