Quoting Becky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Was there a specific area of Europe that had this kind of slashing and ribbon flaps The hair style might be a clue to it's origins.
I never had to look so close to clothing before.

I flunked Art History as a college freshman a hundred years or so ago;
but I've learned more in the past few years looking at paintings for
clothing details.


Anyone got a picture that might inspire me and guide me to a magnificant costume.. BEFORE I cut my fabric.

There are 2 sets of web sites to see -- both have Italian Gallieries,
but neither one of them cover the Florentine period from 1550-1580 like
the "Mda a Firenza" book does.

The first is Jen Thompson's Festive Attyre.
You want the first four pages under Image Galleries -- she does have a
"working woman" from 1575-1600 Gallery that I had forgotten about. Most of her stuff is oriented towards Florentine Fashion. The "court"
galleries cover the period from 1475-1550.

If you want to go the Venetian route (and I don't care for the later
period Venetian fashion), you need Bella's site.
Here she has galleries that span 1490 to post 1600.  I really like the
early Venetian stuff.

And do poke around both of those sites.  I just included the link for
the top of the "Gallery Stuff."

If this is the style that you like, do get a copy of "Moda a Firenza." ILL it first if you're not sure that you want to spend the money. I
still like Tudor and early Elizabethan -- and I want to make Viking,
and a bliaut (whatever it really was) and a GFD -- but my heart has
been stolen by Venetian and Florentine fashion.

There are another couple of books that folks reference for the Italian
Renaissance -- one is by Birbari.  I looked at this one, and decided it
wasn't for me.  It was earlier than my primary focus.  The other one is
by Jacqueline Herald -- it's *wonderful*  There's a set of books at my
university library (in Italian) by C. Bestetti, C.  (published in
1962.) Abbigliamento e costume nella pittura italiana: Rinascimento. Or maybe it was this set by Pirovano (pub 1987) La pittura in Italia. (these are done by century) Unfortunately, most of the paintings in
here are in B/W (as in the two other books).  Bernard Berenson has some
nice books -- agian mostly B/W; Italian pictures of the renaissance:
Venetian School; Italian pictures of the renaissance: Florentine
School; and Central I talian and north Italian pictures of the

Other books that have some nice Italian paintings in them (in addition
to books about specific artists)
    Brown, D.A.  2001.  Virtue and Beauty: Leonardo’s Ginerva de’ Benci
and renaissance portraits of Women.
    Campbell, L.  1990.  Renaissance portraits: European
portrait-painting in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.
    Thornton, P.  1991.  the Italian Renaissance Interiors: 1400-1600

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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