otsisto wrote:
1. By the comments being made this thread was wrapping up.

It's about time. Next time someone wants to do psychotherapy on h-costume, could they do it by private email?

2. There are several who know Bjarne and maybe felt that depression was a

He never said he was depressed, that was all other people's assumptions and assertions. And if he did, again, this is a costuming list. It's not group therapy. I'm sure most members over the years have gone through personal difficulties at one time or another, but they have thankfully not brought them all to this list. There is a time and a place for everything.

3. "Every time everyone wants to impose feelings on other people"/ /"Then
the guy apparently got tired of everyone talking about it,..."

Excuse me. But I did say "apparently," which many other people have not bothered to do.

6. I'm sorry that you feel that other's concern for another is like a wading
through a sewer.

I'm not particularly interested in emotions, personal chat, gossip, trivia, etc. And frankly this discussion sounds like a lot of exaggerated gossip, busybodyness, and dramatization. I'm sorry if this sounds heartless, unfeeling, or unfeminine to you, but what I want in life is intellectual stimulation and challenge, to learn things, and to discuss topics of interest to me. Costuming being one of them.

If you think that makes me not "nice," too bad. My viewpoint is just as valid as yours.

I do not know Bjarne but admire his work.

I really don't see that Bjarne is any more special than everyone else in this group.

I stayed out of the thread because
if it was depression I do not know how to give support but others seemed to
I would rather see support and care given just because of a possibility then
no support and something terrible happens.

Give me a break. We've moved from someone saying they're bored with their current projects, through everyone else claiming it's depression, and now implying it's a suicide threat. None of which comments about depression or other serious problems come from the person most concerne--and which, when made without any basis, are irresponsible.

Now I will try to grant your request for a change of topic back to



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