On Sunday 16 July 2006 6:27 pm, Lavolta Press wrote:

> I am on an extremely active list for translators from foreign languages,
> which has a very useful system. They require every subject line to be
> prefixed with one of a series of standard headers designated by the
> group's official guidelines (and emailed out with the usual official
> reminders), so that people can filter messages in or out of their
> inboxes at will. Of relevance to h-costume, they have a CHAT: prefix, a
> HUMOR: (or HUMOUR:) prefix, and a COMP: (computer problems) prefix.  All
> the prefixes are followed by colons, which makes it easier to have a
> filter that does not confuse unwanted messages with wanted ones.

I think this is an excellent idea and second Fran's recommendation that we 
implement it on h-costume.

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point
of doubtful sanity."  --Robert Frost

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