On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, Catherine Olanich Raymond wrote:

> I think this is an excellent idea and second Fran's recommendation
> that we implement it on h-costume.

I have seen this work extraordinarily well on exactly one list -- a list
for copyeditors, who are, by definition, able to deal with detailed rules
on handling language. However, the system is also backed up by a strong
administrative infrastructure on the list, including an extensive set of
well-maintained FAQs and two extremely active list managers who will send
warnings to people who do not follow the rules, or put them on moderated

>From the description, it sounds as though the translators' list modeled
its tags after the ones established on the copyeditors' list (or maybe the
other way around, but I suspect the copyeditors' list is older) -- I know
there is some cross-membership. Translators are another group similar to
copyeditors, where people tend to be exacting in their use of language,
and the purpose of the group is targeted and professional.

I'm afraid I don't see such a system as easy to implement on h-cost, where
we have a membership that's extremely diverse, representing people from
many countries and of varying levels of ease at handling language and
niggly bits of formatting. In fact, I have seen such a tagging system
attempted for another group, with much the same level of variation as on
h-cost, and despite eager support for the tagging system by some members,
the burden of following the rules was difficult enough for many others
that they simply stopped posting, or came away feeling that they would
only post if they absolutely needed to because they were so afraid of
getting it wrong and being scolded for it. The group suffered badly and
has never recovered its once high posting levels.

I consider it an asset of h-cost that it is easy for people to join and to
engage in discussion, even if they are new to costuming, new to historic
costuming, or new to e-mail lists, and where even newcomers who don't know
the lists's traditions are treated, for the most part, with consideration
and seriousness, and educated by participation. I have heard people say
that the activity and the wealth of expertise on h-cost intimidated them
as newcomers, making it hard for them to get up enough courage to post. I
would not be inclined to add an extra burden -- real or perceived -- to
newcomers or existing members who are not adept communicators.


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