Fair use, people. Fair use.

The general counsel of a major university system, writing in plain English for folks who aren't lawyers. It's directed at the faculty in his system.

Of course, if you do want a more generic (and far more detailed) view, you can check out the Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center <http://fairuse.stanford.edu/>. They've got their own explanation of the Fair Use Test, but it's a bit more detailed: <http://fairuse.stanford.edu/Copyright_and_Fair_Use_Overview/chapter9/9-b.html>

The problem is that many people want to take _one_ criteria, such as "I'm not making any money from it" or "I work for an educational institution" and assume that everything they want to do with material they want to use is fair use. There are actually a variety of criteria they must meet. Also, even, some people wave around the term "fair use," as if to say, "Well it exists, so whatever I'm doing must be fair use." Not so.

Lavolta Press
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