Katharina again in an even better view.

> Scroll down to Salomé con la cabeza de San Juan Bautista #12 I can't tell if
> it is lace or pearlwork or both.
> Love the sleeves.

Given the way lace developed it is highly unlikely to be lace (It was
still rather geometric even in the later 16thC and delicate foliate
designs, as opposed to scrolling foliate, are later still). Also the
Germans were rather less fond of lace than the English, French,
Lowlanders, Spanish and Italians. What little you see later tends to
be understated.

> That is a super super super fine leather ..... if it is real and not just an
> artist interpretation. Hmmmm .... Does anyone know of an inventory of
> costumes and accessories for Katharina?
Not just artistic licence:

But Cranach did tend to be a little creative with his art. Sometimes
the rings under the glove  sit higher on the finger than a ring over
the glove.

Ah Pintura. I keep forgetting you despite the many hours I have spent
wasting bandwidth over you.

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