Though this is allegorical and Cranach tends to have fanciful stuff, it
doesn't explain the "lacy" stuff under the left arm. The hemd is painted to
be very sheer and there looks to be something very sheer under the forearm
but the angle of the white speckle could be pearlwork on a sheer material or
maybe the floral lace was made in this era.
I have other garments to analyze so this one is on the back burner for now.


-----Original Message-----
> Scroll down to Salomé con la cabeza de San Juan Bautista #12 I can't tell
> it is lace or pearlwork or both.
> Love the sleeves.

Given the way lace developed it is highly unlikely to be lace (It was
still rather geometric even in the later 16thC and delicate foliate
designs, as opposed to scrolling foliate, are later still). Also the
Germans were rather less fond of lace than the English, French,
Lowlanders, Spanish and Italians. What little you see later tends to
be understated.

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