I haven't been able to get into this site all morning.
I think I know which picture you're talking about, 
but I can't tell! Could someone send me a .jpg of it

--- otsisto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Though this is allegorical and Cranach tends to have
> fanciful stuff, it
> doesn't explain the "lacy" stuff under the left arm.
> The hemd is painted to
> be very sheer and there looks to be something very
> sheer under the forearm
> but the angle of the white speckle could be
> pearlwork on a sheer material or
> maybe the floral lace was made in this era.
> I have other garments to analyze so this one is on
> the back burner for now.
> De
> -----Original Message-----
> >
> > Scroll down to Salom� con la cabeza de San Juan
> Bautista #12 I can't tell
> if
> > it is lace or pearlwork or both.
> > Love the sleeves.
> Given the way lace developed it is highly unlikely
> to be lace (It was
> still rather geometric even in the later 16thC and
> delicate foliate
> designs, as opposed to scrolling foliate, are later
> still). Also the
> Germans were rather less fond of lace than the
> English, French,
> Lowlanders, Spanish and Italians. What little you
> see later tends to
> be understated.
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Vikings? What Vikings? We are but poor, simple farmers. The 
village was burning when we got here.

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