I need help...please!  I am so much out of my comfort zone.  I have a slideshow 
online of the ballroom ceiling of the Ringling's Ca d'Zan Mansion in Sarasota, 
Florida.   The ceiling is called "Dancers of the World."  There are 17 
hand-painted medallions of cultural dancers.  I need help with what countries 
and dances represented in the medallions.  These were painted in the 1920s 
exclusively for the mansion by children's book illustrator / Broadway costume 
and set designer, William Andrew "Willy" Pogany.   He was also a designer for 
the Zeigfeld Follies.  He was friends with John and Mabel Ringling, the 
mansion's owner.  He painted the medallions in his NYC studio and then applied 
them to the ballroom ceiling in Florida.

I also need help with the photos 18-21.  The curator said that these were 
titled "Four Corners of American-born Dances."  He told me that photos 18 & 19 
dates represented but I can't recall the dances.  I am not really sure that I 
have the dates correct for photos 20 & 21.  And again, do not recall the dances.

I had one hour to photograph the ballroom ceiling because I was running out of 
time and had to photograph around tour groups.  This is a popular area of the 
mansion and is one of the first areas that the tour groups access.  I didn't 
even have time to take notes.  When I was photographing this room,  I had a 
couple of hours before catching my flight home.  I spent a week photographing 
other areas of the museum.  Thankfully the photos turned out good.

If you are able to answer my questions, please refer to the photo number on the 
slideshow headers in your answer.  The slideshow can be seen at 
http://www.costumegallery.info/ .  Please make sure to use .INFO and not .COM . 
  When you go to the slideshow, make sure to click on the enlarged view...it 
looks like the number 7 on the right side of the menu.

Many, many thanks in advance for your help. 
Penny Ladnier, 
Owner, The Costume Gallery Websites

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