I have encountered several similar problems and found out a good solution which 
I very frequently use when I want a tight-fitting sleeve but a good range of 
motion without too much bulk under the arm, which would be produced by a very 
shallow sleeve head used in medieval and some later periods.

It is kind of trick I first saw in a pattern drafting manual. You might not be 
able to use it for this sleeve as you won't have enough space to change the 
pattern shape, but you might use it some other time.

The point is lowering the sleeve head but hiding the excess bulk (necessary for 
free movement) under the arm. You take a regular, tight fitting sleeve and do 
alternations as shown here (all in cm): 
You make a circle with a 5cm radius around the two top ends of the sleeve and 
draw a new line from the top, joining these circles. You should measure the arm 
circumefernces on the bodice pattern and use these with some ease on the sleeve 
or just measure the original circumference of the sleeve and transfer it to the 
new line.

It is a bit difficult to sew the sleeve into the armscye, you'll need a lot of 
darts on the bodice armhole.

The resulting shape can look odd, but works pretty well without a too small 
armscye and bulk. This is the resulting look of the sleeve:
She could raise her arms without any difficulty:

Under the arm, it looks a bit like the "grandes assiettes", if you look closely 
on the second picture, you'll be able to see it. Unfortunately I don't have the 
dress here to make some more closer pictures of it.


Sartor...custom-made costumes

--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Dawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Dawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [h-cost] general fitting questions
> To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 8:36 PM
> I made up Vogue 7733 to wear at an event last week and had
> some fitting 
> issues with it.
> http://img.sewingtoday.com/cat/20000/itm_img/V7733.jpg
> Here's a bad pic of me wearing it:
> http://www.reddawn.net/temp/DSCN3883.jpg
> I know how to solve the falling-off-the-shoulders problem.
> What was 
> killing me is that I can't raise my arms in this thing.
> The model in the 
> first image demonstrates the limit of range-of-motion
> available. I had 
> trouble just getting my shoulder bag on my shoulder because
> I couldn't 
> lift my arms enough.  How do I fix this? What do I need to
> adjust on the 
> pattern so I can do more than just stand around and look
> pretty wearing 
> this top? I don't need to do jumping jacks, but I
> couldn't even push my 
> hair out of my face without difficulty.
> Dawn
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