At 15:50 30/11/2008, you wrote:
Many thanks to Suzi, Kimiko, and others of this List who have clarified for my House and I just what a "serger" does, and what use such a machine might be for us in our"Third Age" living-history hobby. From your comments I suspect a serger might be a substantial time-saver - since all of the garb we make is only to "pass the 10-foot Rule" [" if it looks OK from 10 feet away, that's good enough" - so using a serger on interior seams sound good to us], - we have so many projects we wish to accomplish "in the limited time & budgets ofour declining years" that we have given-up the idea of trying for "museum-replica" quality in our equipment. Tnhaks once again,  "Matthew Baker" [aka Julian Wilson in 2008]

In that case, see if you can find a second hand industrial "Singer" or Jones" or "Bernina". They are sturdier that those made for the domestic market and although tricky to thread sometimes, seem to do a better job, in my opinion. I have a second hand 3 thread Singer industrial I bought over 20 years ago, and the only time it had to be fixed was when I sewed over a pin and threw the timing off and blunted the blade that cuts the fabric. Three threads gives you a finished edge, by the way, and is the basic minimum - in my opinion you really don't need anything with more threads, if all you want to do is finish edges.


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