
Just a point of note - If you are to make impeccably accurate costumes of a
pre-industrial period then there were no overlockers (sergers), but I would
still use it to make good quality clothing. :)

One function I find my overlocker is really useful for is rolled hems...
were rolled hems used on clothing prior to 1901?


P.S. Thanks to all those who responded to my earlier email on costume books,
thanks, order going in for Christmas shortly.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:26 AM, Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 15:50 30/11/2008, you wrote:
>> Many thanks to Suzi, Kimiko, and others of this List who have clarified
>> for my House and I just what a "serger" does, and what use such a machine
>> might be for us in our"Third Age"Â  living-history hobby. From your comments
>> I suspect a serger might be a substantial time-saver - since all of the garb
>> we make is only to "pass the 10-foot Rule" [" if it looks OK from 10 feet
>> away, that's good enough" - so using a serger on interior seams sound good
>> to us],  - we have so many projects we wish to accomplish "in the limited
>> time & budgets ofour declining years" that we have given-up the idea of
>> trying for "museum-replica" quality in our equipment. Tnhaks once again, Â
>> "Matthew Baker" [aka Julian Wilson in 2008]
> In that case, see if you can find a second hand industrial "Singer" or
> Jones" or "Bernina". They are sturdier that those made for the domestic
> market and although tricky to thread sometimes, seem to do a better job, in
> my opinion. I have a second hand 3 thread Singer industrial I bought over 20
> years ago, and the only time it had to be fixed was when I sewed over a pin
> and threw the timing off and blunted the blade that cuts the fabric. Three
> threads gives you a finished edge, by the way, and is the basic minimum - in
> my opinion you really don't need anything with more threads, if all you want
> to do is finish edges.
> Suzi
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