I remember someone saying something about that long ago. I think it was barely 
seen as some kind of  hidden thing between her and her brother since he was the 
one that gave the painting to her...or so I'm told. All her jewelry is gold, 
but I can't see much of the bracelet, except that it has little beading similar 
to the gold beading used with enamel work. I don't know the term, but it uses 
tiny gold beads to make lines and filled in areas. VERY DELICATE looking.All 
her rings match the ouches. Her gown fabric would have been a jacquard I think 
so it would have been expensive. THe massive pearls would have been 
expensive...all showing she had rich roots even if she didn't become queen. 
Family money to those who might want the ear of the king by marrying his 
Also in similar patterns of pearls in other Tudor portraits, Elizabeth had many 
more pearls in the grouping. I count 6 smaller ones with 2 larger pearls 
sitting on them. In one of Mary, I think, it's 4 small and 1 large. There are 
others with the pearl group and ouches in a set pattern so I can compare them 
in needed or just to kill time.
Someone suggested that the open blank book was to support her religious 
background and not favor any religion since there was a break with the Catholic 
Church at that time. Her finger in the book also showed that she was devote and 
a worthy wife-to-be. It might have been propaganda for future husbands, just in 
case she wasn't to be queen one day. A bargining chip in negotiations. 

Rebecca Rautine

> From: otsi...@socket.net
> To: h-cost...@indra.com
> Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 20:16:04 -0500
> Subject: Re: [h-cost] Black beads Princess Elizabeth image
> I had noticed that too. Could be shading when compared to the pearls on her
> neckline.
> I just noticed that she has a gold bracelet on her left wrist. :)
> I wonder what the symbolism/meaning to the open book with no writing or
> print on the pages.
> De
> -----Original Message-----
> With a larger photo, do the pearls on the french hood look like 2 different
> colors? Some gray on the outside and whiter ones to the inside. Or am I just
> looking too close now that I take the time to do so.
> Sincerely, Rebecca Rautine
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > A larger pic.
> > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/El_bieta_I_lat_13.jpg
> > http://tinyurl.com/lyd429
> >
> > To my understanding, black diamonds are post 1600.
> >
> > De
> >
> >
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