2009/9/29 Käthe Barrows <kay...@gmail.com>:
> Hmm.  Within a couple of centuries regular trade should have been
> established.  And fur would be a major export to Europe.

I'm sure that the parts of Europe where it was forbidden to hunt deer
would have loved all that imported deerskin!  Although maybe with that
much being imported, deer would have been huntable again?  And imagine
cochineal and cotton being available centuries earlier, not to mention
chocolate....  The poor beaver would probably be extinct by now,

> Hey - by the 14th-15th centuries there could easily have been more
> colonists/colonies from more European countries.  That would have
> Europeanized fashion.  And there might not be an America as we know it
> by the 19thC.

Yeah, I don't really think that British colonies would have taken such
a strong hold--British immigrants, yeah, but not colonies.  I think
there may have been some successful Spanish colonies in the south
still, though.

-E House
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