Elena House wrote:
Assuming some influence from both sides of the merger, what would the
resulting mixed-race culture have worn, several hundred years in?  If,
for example, there were a Vinlander GFD, what would it have looked
like?  What would the men wear in cold weather?  What kind of shoes
would people wear?  And so on.

My guess would be that the Vinlanders, in contact with Europe would have followed those fashions as much as possible, being the predominant cultural tie. They would have brought sheep to make wool and grown flax where it was possible to do so. I don't see a lot of mixing between the natives and the newcomers, other than trade and some adaptation to native species -- in the same way that later English colonists kept their own culture but learned to hunt, fish and farm north american fauna and flora.

I would expect the colony culture to only diverge significantly if contact with the homeland was cut off for an extended period, more than a couple generations. Even then there would be a strong cultural bias for woven textiles and european style clothing, and certainly the technology (spinning and weaving, metalworking for scissors and pins, etc.) wouldn't just go away and force people to adopt native american dress.


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