On 10/8/2010 1:45 AM, Beteena Paradise wrote:
Whenever I have seen it priced that high, it is because the seller is not
legitimate. They troll for other places selling the book, then offer it for sale
at a zillion percent mark up. If you buy it, they will then buy it from the
other seller.

You may well want to do your own price search on a book. But it is actually perfectly legal and common for a seller to back order when they do not have a book in stock. And as long as back ordering does not conflict with the contractual terms of ABE or whatever online service the book is listed on, it is also legitimate.

As for Renaissance Dress in Italy, I bought it years ago when it was either still in print or recently out of print; not at a high price. Scholarly costuming books are often in print for such a short time that I always try to keep in touch with what is published and buy it right away.

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