>What are people's thoughts on the garments depicted in the early 14th c. 
>Codex that have diagonal striped designs?  
> Woven as diagonal stripes?  Print?  Woven as straight-grain stripes and cut 
> on 
>the bias?  Symbolic interpretation of armorial 
> designs not intending to represent actual garments?  Some other option?
I have a sligthly different possible option: If you cut the stripes on the 
diagonal and sew them together into a new diagnoally striped piece of fabric, 
 then you haven't changed the grain of the fabric when you go to cut out the 
garment. I believe Master Vyncent atte Wodegate did this with a later period 
man's cotehardie, and I remember him saying that it didn't take much more 
then a normally constructed cotehardie would. (Pictures of it are in the Photos 
section of the aotc Yahoo group).

Not that this argues one way or the other about whether what is depicted in the 
Manesse Codex had any relation to what was worn...
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