May I just weigh in with some general comments?  A friend of mine who has done 
a great deal of creating modern patterns for historical garments has made it a 
practice to research only primary sources (that is, PERIOD patterns, 
illustrations, and actual garments) rather than looking at modern patterns 
others have done.  Part of this is very practical--you do not want there to be 
any suggestion that you have appropriated someone else's work. 

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa A Ashton <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 7:26 am
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Corset patterns and research questions

My experience has been that making a corset with gores is actually a VERY
ood way to fit it, especially when fitting someone with a challenging
hape (i.e. very round, wide hips but hardly any bust, etc).  I have
rimarily used the "Laughing Moon Victorian Underwear corset--the
ilverado", which comes with a selection of 4 possible bust gores
although I have taken the liberty of modifying the pattern to accomodate
ip gores if more necessary) .  Gores are small and it makes the pattern
 bit more labor intensive, so for someone who is inexperienced it can be
fificult.  I myself, have never had a problem with using hte gores, I
ust go slowly.  The pattern instructions included, while generally good,
on't really address how to place the boning when using various sizes of
ores, but I figured it out myself and have had good success.
The Laughing Moon one is the only corset pattern I"ve used with gores,
ut since I started with fantasy corsets, I haven't used many historical
atterns,i nstead I've developed my own and modified others for myself. 
 do teach classes in making a corset, and the first thing we do is
easure and fit to develop a correctly sized pattern for that person,
hen they make a permanent pattern.  
I think your objective sounds fantastic.
Yours in cosutming, Lis aA

n Thu, 24 Mar 2011 05:15:34 -0400 Michael Deibert> writes:
 Good morning everyone!
 I'm doing some research into corsets, and thought it best to start 
 on here
 where many of you already have research. While I know a lot 
 corsets, I have two main focuses.
 The first is regarding corset patterns. I am hoping to develop a 
 pattern and thus would like to be able to have as many corset 
 patterns to
 base it off of as I can. While any corset pattern works, I am 
 hoping to find Victorian era corset patterns with hip and/or bust 
 From the many companies out there currently selling commercial 
 there are few who focus on corsets with gores. I am looking at 
 trying to
 simplify the process of grading for different sizes, and believe 
 that there
 might be a way to accomplish this with gored patterns. So if any of 
 you have
 or know of patterns that I can get, please direct me in that 
 (Remember copyright laws and direct me to where I can find things, 
 than just copy and paste.)
 Second, the little research I've done so far indicates that during 
 Victorian eras, there were many corset patterns that used gores - 
 yet many
 of the current commercial patterns focus on those without. Is there 
 a reason
 for this that anyone might be aware of? Is it easier to fit without 
 Are gored patterns more difficult to make up? Any help in this 
 direction is
 also a huge plus!
 Please don't shy away, the more I can accumulate, the better my 
 pattern shall be once it is ready! Thanks in advance!
 Michael Deibert
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