The Laughing Moon one is the only corset pattern I"ve used with gores,
but since I started with fantasy corsets, I haven't used many historical
patterns,i nstead I've developed my own and modified others for myself.

I'm not sure a see a need for a Victorian corset pattern people would call "generic" (even though it's not). A number of them are already on the market. Re copyright issues:

What is copyrighted is the pattern, illustrations, and instructions. Whether a company restricts if the pattern can be used for garments made for sale, and if so how many garments and under what circumstances, is a licensing issue. Getting a license is a question of formally asking permission and possibly, paying for it. Also, of getting consent in writing with a signature. I think Butterick/Simplicity/Vogue and McCall's require licenses. With smaller companies the issue varies.

What I am getting at is, if you like a Laughing Moon or Past Patterns corset pattern (Past Patterns has published several excellent corset patterns), I suggest contacting the company, saying you want to make garments for sale, and asking if that is acceptable to them. If they say yes, you have saved yourself a lot of trouble.

Lavolta Press
Books of historic clothing patterns
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