Dear Michael,

Please bear in mind this is meant in friendship (and experience) not animosity....

May I recommend that you invest in some existing patterns that are _similar_ to what you're thinking of (and maybe some that are not) and fitting/making them up to fit various shapes on _live_ models .....

short-waist - "Ack! the top edge is cutting into my armpits!"
long-waist - "Um, this is nowhere _near_ covering my bust..."
amply-endowed, average, and 'forsaken' fullnesses
- and every combination thereof!

After that, I think you'll begin to have an idea of what corset-makers deal with. <g> This is the main reason why there are so many patterns out there. Some fit one type, others another, none truly fit _all_ types.

Yours in Service,
Europa / Kitty / Kate

btw - what's that alphabet soup after your name, eh?

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