Diana was concerned about keeping the list friendly to people making costumes for all historic eras. She didn't want it to become an in-group for any especial organization. A lot of the early members were SCA and she wanted to make sure they didn't turn it into an SCA-dominated venue.

It IS very offputting, for a non-SCA member, to join a list for costume or some other historic interest, and then have to deal with a constant "We are the m'Lord and M'Lady, and everyone else is mundane" attitude.

Lavolta Press

On 8/8/2011 3:20 PM, Rebecca Lucas wrote:
I joined sometime last year. The only way I found out about this list, is
from the search result regarding the Gothic Fitted Gown.

Much the same timeframe, and reasons for joining - this list comes up when 
you're looking for information about Gotic fitted dresses, and so I signed up 
since it seemed to be an interesting group.

I will admit though, I was having second thoughts before I signed up; if you 
read the introduction to the list here ( 
http://mail.indra.com/mailman/listinfo/h-costume ), then it makes a point about 
the SCA being a cause of angst (which is one of the groups I play with). Why on 
earth would I want to sign up to a list where, by the sounds of it, if I dare 
mention that I play with a particular organisation, I'd be told off?

Thankfully, everyone here seems lovely. But first impressions count, and my 
first impression of this list, before I'd even signed up, was not that it was 

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