
> But the point I was trying to make, was if the list is concerned about recruiting/retaining new blood, and where everyone has wandered off to, is it really worth having a 'warning' on the sign-up page that has apparently outlived it's usefulness? A one-line "This list is not exclusive to members of [insert organisations here], please do not assume that everyone is thinking about the same time period and place, to prevent any confusion" is probably nicer than an entire paragraph singling out one group. :)

Or even, "This list is not exclusive to members of any specific organization . . . " It's true, SCA members are not the only ones who post on a more general list and assume everyone else is a member of their particular organization.

But I think the first thing to do, re recruits, is just to let them know h-costume exists and point them to the sign-up page.

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