
> It IS very offputting, for a non-SCA member, to join a list for costume 
> or some other historic interest, and then have to deal with a constant 
> "We are the m'Lord and M'Lady, and everyone else is mundane" attitude.

Too true! For a while I was running a mailing list that would attract the 
occasional SCAdian, and they would blithely assume that everyone else was in 
the SCA too. It made me grind my teeth, let me tell you.

But the point I was trying to make, was if the list is concerned about 
recruiting/retaining new blood, and where everyone has wandered off to,  is it 
really worth having a 'warning' on the sign-up page that has apparently 
outlived it's usefulness? A one-line "This list is not exclusive to members of 
[insert organisations here], please do not assume that everyone is thinking 
about the same time period and place, to prevent any confusion"  is probably 
nicer than an entire paragraph singling out one group. :)

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