I stopped using the cotton wrapped polyester years ago, as my then-new Bernina 
didn't like it. (It went through the top okay, but always seemed to gum up the 
bobbin.) At that time, I switched to the long-staple European-made threads made 
by Guttermann and Mettler. I've always found them satisfactory--the only caveat 
is, I find it harder to tie a twist knot in the end--I attribute that to the 
fact that they are intrinsically anti-twist and snag.

I know some people tend to look down their noses at these threads, but I have 
been using them for years now and am very pleased. The color selection is good, 
although once in a while, I come up short.

Ann Wass

-----Original Message-----
From: Marjorie Wilser <the3t...@gmail.com>
To: Historical Costume <h-cost...@indra.com>
Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 11:12 am
Subject: [h-cost] Thread- reluctant switcher needs suggestions

My favorite thread has been discontinued without so much as a peep. I  
m preternaturally p.o'd at the venerable Coats & Clark, but now I  
eed to switch threads.
My old favorite was the sometimes deingrated Coats & Clark cotton- 
rapped polyester. It had the shine of cotton and the strength of  
olyester. Coats is now producing it under the same name but it's all  
Ideas? I know some folks out there are thread snobs, but I just want  
omething that's (a) available!! and (b) will hold up. A little (c)  
ffordability and (d) good color range wouldn't hurt either. A basic,  
orkhorse thread!!
Second question: how do you match thread to fabric if you can't  
ctually *compare* them in a store?
==Marjorie Wilser
  @..@   @..@   @..@
hree Toad Press

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