That's funny, Ann, . . . I've _heard_ the modern machines had trouble with C&C, but my Pfaff has never (save for a couple of occasions) had trouble with it. Now, all bets are off.

I bought some C&C all-poly thread simply because it was all I could find. It's WAY better than the original all-poly threads of 30 years ago-- but not nearly so nice and tidy as the cotton-covered one they usta had.

I'm really glad I brought this up. It's giving me new ideas and things to try.

Thanks to one and all!

==Marjorie Wilser

 @..@   @..@   @..@
Three Toad Press

On May 17, 2012, at 7:10 PM, wrote:

I knew answers on thread preference would be all over the map--some like "fancy pants European threads," some don't.Also interesting to note that some want to match thread to fabric exactly, others don't care. As to color, I veer towards the match exactly, but if I have a spool that is close, I will sometimes use it. And, as I've said, sometimes I can't find a good match with the European threads and had to fall back on Coats and Clark, but only for hand sewing, since my Bernina can't handle it. Guess I'll try the "new formula," and see if I still have trouble.

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