Absolutely no item that belongs to anyone else is sacred to me. It's not my business to decide that for other people.

My collection and my wardrobe freely overlap. I bought everything I own with the possibility of wearing it someday, even if only on rare occasions. Otherwise I would not enjoy it. I don't have room to display clothes and for me there's no point in acquiring things that just sit around in a closet or chest for decades. What I wear and don't wear changes over time, depending on the occasions I have to wear things and on whatever vintage styles may currently be in fashion. I have pulled out garments I wasn't wearing to dye or to cut up. I've put away other garments, most merely because I currently have no occasion to wear them. It's whatever I need and want at the moment. I don't make a permanent decision never to wear or alter anything.

Lavolta Press

On 3/29/2013 6:36 PM, Sybella wrote:
Oh no...please don't feel I'm putting you in the place to defend yourself.
I'm not judging you, Fran. I agree that people can do what they want with
what they own but there are a few things that I wish people would leave

(The Wittelsbach Diamond, for example -- 400 years went down the toilet in

However, those that have responded to this thread seem to fall in different
areas of a save or reuse spectrum. I find that interesting! Compared to
Isabella's outrage, you're on the other extreme.

I'm just curious if there is anything "sacred" to you, any certain item
that should be saved, not reused or recycled. If so, what is it?? ;)
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