I remember a discussion between a vintage clothing dealer and mostly- museum-folks at a Costume Society meeting. The vintage dealer is looking for things in wearable condition, and anything else goes into the rag bag.

But you never know what you have in the attic. Her rags could be a rare example that could be conserved, preserved and displayed.

When someone has a large diamond, they know what they have and know the risks of cutting it. With textiles, not so much. They are so much easier to damage or destroy. It's worth a reminder to people that you are interested — especially if you know someone else will get to great-grandmother's attic first!


On Mar 29, 2013, at 9:36 PM, Sybella wrote:

Oh no...please don't feel I'm putting you in the place to defend yourself. I'm not judging you, Fran. I agree that people can do what they want with what they own but there are a few things that I wish people would leave

(The Wittelsbach Diamond, for example -- 400 years went down the toilet in

However, those that have responded to this thread seem to fall in different areas of a save or reuse spectrum. I find that interesting! Compared to
Isabella's outrage, you're on the other extreme.

I'm just curious if there is anything "sacred" to you, any certain item
that should be saved, not reused or recycled. If so, what is it?? ;)

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