On Fri, 7 Nov 2008, Alastair Biggs wrote:

> I'm in the planning stages of a new project at home,the aim is 
> essentially to setup a small headless server which will be hosting my 
> cooking website / blog which will be telling the world about my 
> cookery disasters.

If you're only serving web pages on a blog over a DSL line, you really 
need quite little power. I think it might be quite a challenge to find a 
new machine that _couldn't_ cope.

I've been considering a new home server and decided the right route for 
me was a fanless mini-ITX with 2.5" drives. The whole machine should use 
only a few tens of Watts.

The Via boards appear to use less power than the Intel boards, which may 
be of interest, 2.5" drives seem to use much less than 3.5" drives.

A complete server with two hard drives can fit a box around th 170mm 
square by 70mm high and should be close to silent. Use flash drives and 
it will _be_ silent.

A vendor nobody's mentioned is http://www.itxwarehouse.co.uk. They seem 
to have a good range of stuff at competitive prices and they're in 
Poole, so within striking distance if one wants.

Gordon Scott                              http://www.gscott.co.uk

Haiku:          Tragic Irony
                Imagined Life Without Walls
                Windows Crash to Floor.

                Linux ... Because I like to *get* there today.

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