> contact
> the TV licensing people and explain that you either
> a) don't have a TV or
> b) have a TV but don't watch live TV (e.g. only watch DVD's or Videos and
> it isn't connected to a TV aerial)
> Then they accept it and leave you alone.

They don't seem so accepting of the "We've got a licence" explanation,

I used to live in a flat with my other half. The TV licence was in her
name. I bought a STB, and filled in the appropriate documentation - cue
several threatening letters and phone calls. Even though they knew we were
in a flat, they wouldn't accept that the flat hadn't been sub-divided into
sub-flats, and thus need a licence each :-(

Then we moved. A few weeks later, one of their blokes is on the doorstep
insisting we were watching TV illegally, as we didn't have a licence. "Yes
we do", was my simple reply. After a few minutes of back-and-forth, he
rang his office - who confirmed that we did indeed have a licence...

I wonder how many people with a less bellicose attitude than mine get
brow-beaten into paying for a licence they don't need?


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