At 13:37 06/11/2010, you wrote:
> They mention Puppy in there, which is a great OS but a bit of an
> acquired taste. However, depending on what hardware you are thinking of
> installing on, there is also Pupeee, a version of Pupeee tailored toward
> EeePCs.
> Sean

I have found Pupeee  works best on my eeePC 701. It very fast as it
runs in memory but as Sean says it is an aquired taste.

Is it a rpm or deb based distro i couldn't find much info on the site.

Surprisingly a on-line Linux questionnaire recommended SuSE or fedora but i
thought they were heavy distros.

Martin N

Running MorphOS v2.4 on Mac Mini, Moderator of MiniDisc,amithlonopen,bwfc Yahoogroups

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