> > On Monday 11 Apr 2011 22:27:18 john lewis wrote:
> > > Has anyone played with it yet?
> > 
> > I played with the Fedora-based live CD, I'd recommend you try that as
> > a good way to see how well it works with your set up.  There's some
> > nice touches in there, but nothing to tempt me away from KDE :-)
> I am currently downloading the openSuSE live CD so will be able to
> have a look at it myself. 
> I don't think anything would tempt me to move to KDE :-) All the
> 'comments' I've seen about it being the closest thing to windows for
> linux newbies are enough to suggest I won't like the interface.

I think the Windows = KDE comments are based on one or two small 
highly superficial similarities, and in no way does it represent 
the larger picture.

The fundamental "thinking" differences between KDE and Gnome is 
the may things are put together. For example in the KDE world you 
can configure anything to your hearts content with screen after 
screen of configuration panels - you could argue to the point of 
absurdity. In the Gnome world things are right by default - though 
you could argue it's impossible to get things the way you want 

Each has their own design standards that are different, and it's 
hard to say which is best, however if you are use to one standard 
the other one seems wrong.

To me every button in Gnome is in the wrong place, I can't 
configure anything the way I want, all the themes look ugly, and 
it seems horribly slow. All those things are highly subjective and 
I'm sure a long time Gnome user would say the same of KDE.

As I've often said it's very hard to make a fair comparison 
between something you know and love and something you have barely 

> I was a very long time user of WindowMaker but lack of development
> has meant that it is now a very old fashioned interface and I'd be
> reluctant to go back to wmaker and give up the 'bells & whistles' that
> gnome provides. 

Good luck with your travels in desktop environment land...

Adam Trickett
Overton, HANTS, UK

Linux? Il y a moins bien, mais c'est plus cher.
        -- anon

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