On 23 October 2011 19:06, James Bensley <jwbens...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23 October 2011 13:21, Victor Churchill <victorchurch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Absolutely none of my business but the request sparked a bit of
>> curiosity in me as to what one might want a few floppy disk drive for.
>> I wondered if it might be a project like this ;-)
>> http://www.howtogeek.com/news/floppy-drives-play-the-imperial-march-video/6806/
> You got me Victor! Chris had also guessed this when I went to collect
> the drives from him; I didn't realise it was that obvious!

Now that you have been sussed, you are obliged to make a recording of
this, and post a link to it here. :-)

Philip Stubbs

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