
On Wed, Feb 22 at 09:12, Philip Stubbs wrote:
> I don't know if it would work, but will OpenWRT or DD-WRT on a cheap
> router support ipv6?
> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/IPv6

OpenWrt info is at http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/ipv6.overview btw.

Well I've got DD-WRT on a WNR3500L at home and finding IPv6 enabled
software images has proven problematic.  Despite being marketed as an
opensource router the 3500 requires too many binary blobs with poorly
defined interfaces.

DD-WRT's IPv6 support also feels patchy, OpenWrt's documentation looks
better but I've yet to try it.  There are OpenWrt images for the 3500
despite it being listed as unsupported but none of them have IPv6.

So I'm wondering about a Netgear WNDR3700 but need to find Atheros based
V2 hardware rather than the Broadcom based V3 which is another binary
blob nightmare apparently.  Don't you love manufacturate who change the
entire product chipset and don't change the product designation.

        Bob Dunlop

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