On Mon, 2013-05-13 at 17:39 +0100, Vic wrote:

> Any particular reason you're averse to a Free solution?

I don't believe for one minute that John is averse to a free solution.
I think it's justthat, as he said in the first paragraph, "they ain't
good enough"

I agree with him, despite acroread being a bug-ridden pile of
proprietary junk (IMHO).

Your example Okular is good, but try zooming in to read small print or
drawing details on a scalable document or similar and you'll find it
pixelated where acroread renders cleanly. For me that makes Okular
unusable. Last time I tried, all the others had some problem.

Personally I'd love to consign acroread to the skip, but it hasn't
happened yet.


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