Unfortunately there was nothing useful in the Xorg logs, although I haven't come across EDID before so I'll look at that; thank you.

In the meantime I'll just switch to the other laptop. Might try and compare the logs between the two.


On 27/10/13 17:59, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:

On Oct 27, 2013 12:56 AM, "Leo" <li...@fractal.me.uk
<mailto:li...@fractal.me.uk>> wrote:
 > I attached my laptop to the TV earlier and it all worked fine with
the TV being correctly recognised and showing the same as the monitor.
However subsequent attempts have my laptop picking the TV as being much
bigger than it is (72" rather than 23") and the TV failing to display
anything. Much finding and greping has so far revealed no changes in
/etc and nothing useful in /var/log, or under udev directories. Can
anyone offer any pointers on where I might find how it is picking up the
monitor to see what might have changed?
The most useful log file is /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
This sounds like a monitor detection problem. Which type of cable are
you using to the monitors?
Look in the logs for EDID.
Probably just post the whole Xorg.0.log here if it fits and someone will
be able to help.
The work around for EDID problems can be tricky to get working.

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