you can just create the backend in haproxy and use the same backend server 
no need to reconfigure apache

put like 7 max sessions for normal users on one backend and 2 for maxsessions 
on the bot backend
throw in some queues and you are set


Am Montag, 16. November 2009 schrieben Sie:
> On Nov 16, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Karsten Elfenbein wrote:
> > Just create an additional backend and assign the bots to it.
> > You can set queues and max connections there as needed.
> Yes, you're right - that's probably the best solution. I'll create an extra
>  apache process on the same server that will handle the bot subnet. No
>  extra hardware needed. Thanks!
> The wiki in question is TWiki - very flexible but very bad at caching what
>  it does. Basically, for each page view the complete interpreter and all
>  plugins get loaded.
> Wout.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Karsten Elfenbein
Entwicklung und Systemadministration

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