On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 01:09:12PM +0530, Sachin Shetty wrote:
> here is the tcp dump containing that precise request:
> tcpdump -s0 -npi lo port 9910 -w trace1.cap

There is nothing abnormal there, the response was complete and not truncated.
The connection was eventually closed before all of the request was read, but
I see nothing wrong with that and it is quite common with redirects or 401.

It's very strange that your apache does return a 502 here, because it received
the response long before the connection was closed, so it should already have
forwarded it. Also many people are using apache in front of haproxy without
such a problem.

Are you sure there is not anything in your apache config/modules which buffers
the whole response before responding ? It might explain this different


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