On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 3:25 PM, S Ahmed <sahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok that sounds awesome, how will that work though?  i.e. from say java, how
> will I do that?
> From what your saying it sounds like I will just have to modify the response
> add and a particular header.  And on the flip side, if I want to unblock
> I'll make a http request with something in the header that will unblock it?

That's it.
You'll have to track these headers with ACLs in HAProxy and to update
the stick table accordingly.
Then based on the value setup in the stick table, HAProxy can decide
whether it will allow or reject the request.

> When do you think this will go live?

In an other mail, Willy said he will release 1.5-dev9 today.
So I guess it won't be too long now. Worste case would be later in the
week or next week.


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