
Thanks for the advice. I am trying to receive an SSL request into HAProxy then 
pass along to the back-end server as http. The back-end server is a simple SOAP 
service that responds on http and we want HAProxy to respond to the client on 
https. We are not redirecting on the back-end in anyway, just receiving http 
from HAProxy after the SSL offload and responding with http to HAProxy. When 
that occurs we are seeing the error described here: I was wondering if the 
code change described in this thread was implemented and/or successful. Please 
also note that the second SOAP call made that fails the handshake also causes 
the HAProxy server to crash.

Here are the front and back end sections for reference:

frontend http-in
       bind xx.xx.xx.xx:80 #actual IP removed
       bind xx.xx.xx.xx:443 ssl crt /usr/local/cdx/apache/ssl/combined.pem id 
100 #actual IP removed
       option http-server-close
       default_backend devngn1

       capture response header Location   len 32
       capture response header Set-Cookie len 32

backend devngn1
       balance roundrobin
       reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /generic(.*) \1\ /specific-path-location\2 #actual 
path removed
       server app1 xx.xx.xx.xx:80



-----Original Message-----

From: Baptiste []

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 2:43 AM

To: Connelly, Zachary (CGI Federal)


Subject: Re: Follow-up on thread 'SSL handshake failure' from 2/5/2013

Hi Zachary,

It sounds your application server is not aware the connections was made over a 
SSL socket on HAProxy frontend and tries to redirect the user on the same 
socket but on HTTP protocol.

To figure out if this is really the case, and to know how to fix it, you can 
read this blog article:


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Connelly, Zachary (CGI Federal) 
<<>> wrote:

> HAProxy list,




> I am currently working to implement SSL within HAProxy using the

> 1.5-dev18 version. Much like the thread started by Samat Galimov  on

> 2/5/2013, I am seeing the same behavior where the first time I send a

> request via SSL the request is serviced and everything is fine; the

> next time the same request is attempted I receive 'ERROR:Exception in request:

> Remote host closed connection

> during handshake.' I noticed the attached code in the thread was not

> put into the

> dev18 version (I believe). Did that code end up resolving the issue or

> is the issue still being reviewed? I can supply my config file if that

> would help. Is there any way to get more info out of HAProxy to see

> what it is doing while it handles the SSL Handshake (the log does not

> seem to write anything when the request fails)?




> Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks,


> Zack Connelly

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